By seeking a reading from me, you acknowledge the following:

1. You have reviewed the provided disclaimer.
2. You agree to all outlined terms.

Please be informed that the content on this site and within my readings is intended solely for general information purposes and represents personal opinions, not to be construed as legal, medical, or psychological advice. Any guidance provided during a reading is offered for your thoughtful consideration only. You assume full personal and legal responsibility for your life choices, and you are encouraged to make independent decisions, irrespective of any information or interpretation conveyed.

For medical and psychological concerns, promptly consult a qualified healthcare professional. Never delay seeking medical advice or disregard it based on intuitive information received from me or content on this website.

Exercise your free will in choosing what is best for you as an individual. It is crucial to recognize that I cannot guarantee specific individuals will come through in a mediumistic reading. Approach the reading with an open mind and heart for optimal results.

I retain the right to conclude any psychic or mediumistic reading if I believe it serves the client’s or my highest and best interest.

This website may contain references and links to other entities and their websites beyond my control. I make no representations, warranties, or endorsements regarding any external websites, products, or services, even if mentioned or offered on this website.